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Home Sweet Home

I arrived at home at exactly 3 in the afternoon. I didn't come to work just to be at home. Dad's finally coming home after 3 years. It's been a long time. Well, my father is as practical as ever. He didn't bother us to fetch him at the airport but decided to take a cab ride home. He arrived with a wasted look. He's drenched with his sweat, wearing a queasy smile, pale cheeks, etc. Mom noticed and she was right with her assumptions. Dad was ill.

It's nothing really bad. He just have fever and colds. He eventually took a medicine by the time he settled to rest at home. There's only three of us inside. Well, everyone's still in school.

My Dad gave me some hand-me-down clothes. I got his jacket and a sports shirt. I liked it very much. To top them off, he even handed me the eye pads he had on plane. Thank God I really need it, most especially when I do quick naps in the office... We are more comfortable calling this moments "Power-Nap".

By seven in the evening, we headed in Alabang Town Center to have a simple dinner to celebrate Mom's birthday too. Yes! It is her birthday on this date too. I covered the expenses for the dinner since I just received my 13th month pay today. Whew!

After some time, we headed for home, everyone asked me to stay at home and spend the night with them. I didn't hesitate to say "Yes" but I am also thinking about the people in my apartment. They're also waiting for me. Anyway, they'd understood that it's such a big risk going home most especially my favorite gadgets are with me. It would be a great lost if I get mugged.

Wondering what's gonna happen next ^_^

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