I'm Back to Blogging
It's been a while since the last time I wrote in this blog. I have had a busy schedule to the extent wherein I spent most of my free time unwinding by either seeing the latest movie or just by simply dozing-off the whole day. Now as far as writing is concerned, I will do a little recap of the things that took place for the current year.
1. New Job
That's right. New year. New job. I've joined a new organization this year located somewhere in Makati city. My designation was Team Leader until I was reassigned to a new role a few months later. I have made several good friends that are worth keeping. Just recently, our campaign is becoming unstable which made me, along with several others leave the company. I will truly miss everyone I left behind.

2. New Gadgets
Just as soon as I hit the age 25, I've no longer attached to a few gadgets. Specifically with cellphones. Apparently, a person close to my heart gave me a Samsung Champ phone last September 23. It's not expensive but at least it can do most of the things I need to be done. However, it's giving me a tough time navigating throughout the system. I guess I'm not just used to navigating other phones other than Nokia.
But prior to my new phone, I got myself a new notebook. It was pretty neat as it comes with a scratch-proof cover. Unfortunately, the Compag Presario CQ40 was not as durable as it supposed to be. The monitor is flickering apart from the pixelated lines that appeared at the bottom of the screen as I speak. Now that's pretty inconvenient. Good thing I still have my service and parts warranty valid until 2011.
3. My Nephew, Kyle Rivas
On October 14, 2010, our family was blessed with a new baby. My only sister gave birth to a healthy 7.9 lbs baby boy at the Asian Hospital and Medical Center. Our family is very thankful for a successful delivery and that my sister was able to overcome her struggles during her pregnancy.
4. A Day To Remember
I organized a team building get-together for my team last November 21, 2010 (Sunday). It was a humid day, which is great for outdoor activities. It was a very happy moment day for me and my team who joined us for fun. Unfortunately, the next day was when I had to leave the company already. I hope they had a great time too.

5. My 26th Birthday
Nothing special happened but it was a still a great day. I brought my team out for a treat at Something Fishy in Eastwood, Libis where they had buffet breakfast. Thanks to Team Ferrari and to all who greeted me on this day.

There are countless things to tell and update on this blog. I wish I was able to blog them all. Oh well, I have the time now to get my fingers scribble again for this blog.
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