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Common Work Off For The Gang

Finally, the three of us have a common rest day from work. I still haven't gone to work as I have been suffering from severe insomia. Believe it or not, I haven't slept for three days. Too bad for me. On the brighter side, there comes good times like this where we could hang out together worry-free from work. Our main agenda is to buy an indoor cage for our new pets (The Bunnies). For that reason, we headed immediately to Bio Reasearch at Glorietta 1 via cab.

Me. Riding a cab. On our way to G1

We finally settled for a medium multipurpose indoor cage. It cost us Php 650.00 including the water container and the wood shavings for their mat. As soon as we have everything we needed for the bunnies, we headed to Chubby China at Greenbelt 1. This restaurant offers a great deal over a variety of chinese cuisines. The good thing is, you can have a buffet meal for only Php 88.00 (Tax exclusive) and an additional Php 20.00 for a refillable iced tea.

1st round of our meal. Getting ready to eat

2nd round getting full

Lanz is too worried on having leftovers

As soon as we're done eating we immediately headed inside Greenbelt 1 to purchase some Christmas decoration for our apartment. We browsed over a hundred ribbons, laces, and finally agreed to have an "All Blue" motif.

Greenbelt 1. On our way to National bookstore

Lanz is trying on a Christmas ribbon

Our last destination is for Arcy to get his hair done and for me and Lanz to get a clean manicure. We headed our way to the salon. Alas! Their service is getting way beyond my expectations and didn't bother to have my nails get a manicure. We immediately headed home without Lanz with us so as we can begin decorating the apartment for Christmas.

Arcy, still contemplating on a new hair style

Lanz, waiting forever for her turn.

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